The Nikon Photo Contest 2012-2013: A Call for Entries

This Year’s 2012-2013 Nikon Photo Contest Seeks to Join Amateur and Professional Photographers from Around the World in a Celebration of Creativity and Photographic Vision


Nikon Corporation is pleased to announce a call for entries to the 2012-2013 Nikon Photo Contest, one of the largest international photo contests in the world. Nikon hopes to provide an opportunity for photographers of all types to express themselves and showcase their creative work.  For the 34th installment of the contest, Nikon has added categories for video, “Motion Snapshots” taken with Nikon 1 system cameras, and a Participants’ Award for the most popular entry, chosen by contest entrants. Entries can be submitted from December 1, 2012 through February 28, 2013.


Held since 1969, the Nikon Photo Contest (NPC), formally known as the Nikon Photo Contest International (NPCI), was created with the goal of “contributing to the development of photographic culture by providing a venue of communication among photographers from around the world, be they professionals or amateurs.”


For this year’s contest, Nikon is seeking entries in four categories:

Category A: Single photo
Category B: Photo story – two to five images that present a theme or idea
Category C: Photographic videos – featuring videos up to 45 seconds in length
Category D: Motion Snapshot – combination of still images/movies available with the Nikon 1 system line of cameras


    The judges include active and well-known international photographers who will select a total of 54 works to be given first, second and third prizes in each category, in addition to a Grand Prize for the most outstanding overall entry. A new addition this year is a “Participants’ Award” given to the most popular entry chosen by the contest entrants. Winning entries will be announced in the summer of 2013 and will be included in a public exhibition (location and date to be announced).


    Guidelines for the Nikon Photo Contest 2012-2013


    The contest is open to all professional and amateur photographers, regardless of age, sex or nationality.



    No theme is specified for any of the four categories.


    Entry Period

    December 1, 2012 to February 28, 2013


    How to Enter

    Entries must be submitted online. Visit the Nikon Photo Contest 2012-2013 website (, complete the entry form and submit your work.



    Each entry is limited to a total of ten works in categories A and B: for example, two entries of one photograph each in the single photo category and one entry of four photographs in the composite category would total six works.

    The same works or portions of the same works cannot be submitted in both Category A and B.

    Each entrant can submit one work in each of categories C and D. These works can be in addition to works submitted in categories A and B.

    Entry is restricted to original works that have not been published and to which the entrant holds the rights.

    Works that have been submitted to other previous or ongoing contests will not be accepted. This includes those that are submitted to another contest after being entered in the Nikon Photo Contest.


      Eligible Works

      Categories A and B

      Image data files created with digital cameras (including medium and large format cameras)

      Images that have been retouched using software or by other means will be accepted

      Both color and monochrome images will be accepted (Scans of photographs taken with film cameras are not eligible)

      File Size: Up to 20MB

      File Format: JPEG/150 dpi recommended

      The standard color space for the judging process is sRGB

        Entrants may be requested to provide higher resolution images for publication or display purposes related to the contest

        Category C

        Movie files containing videos created from footage shot using the movie recording function on digital still cameras (including medium and large format cameras)

        Length: 45 seconds

        Each movie entered must be in MOV format, with a file size 200MB or less

        Any music used must be either copyright-free and performed and recorded by the entrant or a person designated by the entrant (commercial recordings of copyright-free music may not be used) or be works for which the entrant holds the rights and for which the rights have not been transferred to a copyright collective.

          Category D

          Motion Snapshot files created with the Motion Snapshot feature on Nikon 1 cameras

          Entries must be in MOV format


            Judging/Announcement of Results

            Entries will be published to the Nikon Photo Contest website after the first round of judging following the completion of the entry period. Current plans call for entries to be published at the end of April, 2013. The final winners will be determined after the second and final rounds of judging in April and June, respectively, with the final results announced on the Nikon Photo Contest Website in the summer of 2013.  All entrants will be eligible to vote for the “Participants’ Award” for most popular entry. To learn more about Nikon’s judges from around the world, please visit


            Awards and Prizes

            All winners will receive trophies and prizes of Nikon products with values determined by the type of prize.  The most outstanding entry in categories A, B and C will receive the Grand Prize, while 48 additional prizes will be awarded in categories A, B and C for first, second and third place winners. The top three entries in category D will receive prizes as well.


            The “Participants’ Award” winner and “NIKKOR Award” winner (best work shot with a NIKKOR lens) will be awarded prize money and a trophy. An exhibition of the prize-winning works will be held in 2013 at a date and time to be determined. The Grand Prize winner and first-place finishers in each category will be given the right to post other works to a photo gallery on the Nikon Photo Contest 2012-2013 website.



            1. The Grand Prize will not be awarded if no eligible entry is submitted.
            2. All winners will receive a trophy.
            3. Non-cash prizes may not be exchanged, transferred, or redeemed for cash.


            About Nikon

            Nikon, At the Heart of the Image™. Nikon Inc. is the world leader in digital imaging, precision optics and photo imaging technology and is globally recognized for setting new standards in product design and performance for its award-winning consumer and professional photographic equipment. Nikon Inc. distributes consumer and professional digital SLR cameras, NIKKOR® optics, Speedlights and system accessories; Nikon COOLPIX® compact digital cameras; 35mm film SLR cameras; Nikon software products and Nikon sports and recreational optics as well as the new Nikon 1 advanced camera with interchangeable lens system. In 2012, production of NIKKOR lenses surpassed 70 million, creating a new milestone in Nikon’s heritage of superior optics. For more information, dial (800) NIKON-US or visit, which links all levels of photographers to the Web's most comprehensive photo learning and sharing communities. Connect with Nikon and other photographers on Facebook at and get the latest news and information from Twitter by following @NikonUSA.


