Nikon Podcast #2: Special Events & Group Photography

00:00 Host Mark Ellwood covers previous podcast topics and introduces the special events and group photography topic.

2:00 Mark introduces Steve Heiner, Senior Technical Manager @ Nikon, Inc. and they talk about what it takes to get fantastic images while traveling.

4:30 Steve discusses the situations where you might not always having to bring a D-SLR with you on vacation and times where a D-SLR really helps.

5:30 Mark asks Steve about the best way to instantly share those group and special events photos instantly.

6:30 Steve covers best practices for getting quality group shots each and every time.

8:00 Mark asks about tripods and other ways to steady his photos, reduce blur and keep everything sharp.

9:30 Steve reassures Mark that breaking photography "rules" is okay and he usually refers to them as guidelines.

11:00 Steve talks about the "Golden Hour" and when to get the best light of the day.

12:00 Steve and Mark talk about the advantages D-SLR cameras give you when traveling as well as neat ways to use point-and-shoot cameras at different events.

14:00 Steve goes over and revisits his best tips for group and special event shooting as well as traveling with cameras.

17:00 Mark asks Steve about Nikon's history over the past 90 years and some of the great technological advancements and noteworthy accomplishments over that time.

20:00 Mark is fascinated by and talks to Steve about Nikon's optics history and how it's not only used in cameras but microscopes, etc.

22:30 Mark wraps-up this podcast and goes over ways for people to reach Steve and MWW.