Tips and Tricks for Photographing Cats, Dogs, Birds and Bugs
In uncertain times like these, we want to help photographers and creators of all levels stay inspired, engaged and growing. We asked some of our Nikon Ambassadors to create quick videos with ideas for taking pictures and video that you can do in your home or neighborhood.
This video collection offers tips on photographing kittens and puppies from Tamara Lackey, tips on photographing dogs creatively by Stacy Pearsall and tips and ideas on photographing birds, insects and more with Kristi Odom.
These videos are quick—a minute or two in length with easily digestible tips, tricks and techniques.
Tips for photographing kittens - Nikon Ambassador Tamara Lackey offers tips for taking pictures of tiny baby kittens.
Tips for photographing puppies - Nikon Ambassador Tamara Lackey offers tips for taking pictures of puppies.
Tips for photographing your dog - Nikon Ambassador Stacy Pearsall offers tips for taking great photos of your pet dog looking at the camera.
More tips for photographing your dog - Nikon Ambassador Stacy Pearsall offers tips for getting creative portraits of your pet dog.
Tips for capturing slow motion video - Nikon Ambassador Kristi Odom offers tips on capturing stunning slow motion video of wild birds.
Tips for photographing bugs and insects - Nikon Ambassador Kristi Odom offers tips on photographing bugs and insects.