Nikon Learn & Explore

Tips & Techniques


NewTips & Techniques

How to Create Special, Eye-Catching Images with Nikon Flexible Picture Controls

Three photographers share flexible Picture Controls—Image Recipes and how you can create stunning images and video with them.


Tips & Techniques

Want to Take Memorable Family Photos? Then You’ll Probably Want a Z 30. Here’s Why.

Nikon Ambassador Tamara Lackey offers simple tips on using the Z 30 mirrorless camera for taking great family and pet photographs.


Tips & Techniques

Out of the Dark: The Creative Portrait Power of the NIKON Noct Lens

Nikon Ambassador Joe McNally shows off the incredible shallow depth-of-field of the Nikon Noct lens with its f/0.95 wide aperture.


Tips & Techniques

A Guide for Beginners: Starting Your Journey in Filmmaking with the Nikon Z50II

The Z50II mirrorless camera is ideal for its high quality video capture and ease of use in mastering storytelling as a beginner filmmaker.


Tips & Techniques

Romancing the Southwest: Photographing in Monument Valley

Capturing the Old West feeling of the vast Monument Valley landscape is simpler than you think, by applying some ideas and photographic advice.


Tips & Techniques

Why Lens Choice is a Crucial Creative Decision For Your Wildlife Photography

Nikon Ambassadors Kristi Odom and Tamara Lackey explain how important lens choice can be to your wildlife photography.


Tips & Techniques

How the Z6III Answered the Wedding Filmmakers’ Challenge

Calen and Kristine Rhome, the wedding filmmaking duo who make up White in Revery put the Z6III to the challenge.


Tips & Techniques

Z6III: Filmmaking with a Remarkably Versatile Camera

Victoria DeMartin and Mitch Blummer pair the Nikon Z6III mirrorless camera with vintage and modern Nikon lenses to tell a moving story of an aspiring ...


Tips & Techniques

NIKKOR Optics: A History of Long Glass with Joe McNally

Nikon Ambassador has a long and storied career using Nikon's renowned optics. Learn about his favorite lenses and see what he's created with them.


Tips & Techniques

Jungle Encounters: Photographing the Elusive Jaguar

Tom Bol brings a Z 9 and NIKKOR Z 400mm f/2.8 TC VR S lens to the Pantanal in Brazil to photograph jaguars and other wildlife.


Tips & Techniques

How to Capture Behind-the-Scenes Content Like a Pro

Filmmaker Chris Varner explains the importance of BTS photographers on film sets.


Tips & Techniques

Flying Sparks, Cinematic Visuals and Added Flexibility: The Documentary Appeal of the Z6III

Filmmaker Alex Gorosh puts the Z6III through its paces in his short film Women Who Weld.