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Photographing Athletes with the Nikon Z Series Cameras

Joe McNally captures a boxer and CrossFit athlete in action and in portraits

Performers - CrossFit athlete and a boxer photographed by Joe McNally, using the Z series mirrorless cameras.

Nikon Ambassador Joe McNally, Z 6 and Z 7 mirrorless cameras and an empty warehouse beautifully lit by diffused sunlight streaming in through large windows, shadows breaking up the monotony of the floor. In this location, Joe photographs Joshua Cummings, a CrossFit athlete and Raymond James, a boxer.

Utilizing the Z 6 for the more action oriented photos and the Z 7 for the high resolution, low ISO portraits, Joe captured the true essence of each athlete.

For assignments like this, where you’ve got to shoot a variety of images, the cameras provide you with the best of what they’re designed for—Z 6 for capturing the action, Z 7 for stunning portraits.

Joe McNally portrait of a crossfit athlete holding a sledgehammer, taken in a warehouse, with the Z 7 mirrorless camera

© Joe McNally

CrossFit athlete Joshua Cummings. Z 7, NIKKOR Z 50mm f/1.8 S, 1/80 second, f/2, ISO 100, manual exposure, Matrix metering

Joe McNally portrait of a crossfit athlete, taken in a warehouse, with the Z 7 mirrorless camera

© Joe McNally

CrossFit athlete Joshua Cummings. Z 7, NIKKOR Z 50mm f/1.8 S, 1/1600 second, f/1.8, ISO 200, aperture priority, Matrix metering

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