Nikon Learn & Explore

Keith Ladzinski

headshot photo of Nikon Ambassador Keith Ladzinski

Keith Ladzinski's love of photography began with a beat-up camera purchased from a pawnshop. His early subjects mirrored his passions: skateboarding amid the hustle and bustle of the  city and exploring in the quiet mountains of Colorado. It was an unintentional education in two styles of photography, and it wasn’t long before the two merged, initially into his love of rock climbing, ultimately in his pursuit of extreme sports. Over time he became one of the most sought-after photographers of the outdoor world.

Today Keith’s work primarily focuses on natural history, extreme sports and advertising as he travels to the farthest reaches of the seven continents on assignment for a range of clients, including National Geographic, The New York Times, Red Bull, Adidas, Budweiser and The North Face.

In addition to his still photography, Keith works as a director and director of photography. His film clients include National Geographic TV, Discovery, Oprah, The Weather Channel, ABC and Red Bull TV.

"Working as a photographer is so much more than taking pictures," Keith says. "It's an immersive lifestyle that brings you face to face with eclectic cultures and wild places around the world."

Working as a photographer is so much more than taking pictures. It's an immersive lifestyle that brings you face to face with eclectic cultures and wild places around the world.
Nikon Ambassador Keith Ladzinski photo of meerkats

© Keith Ladzinski